Monday, December 14, 2009

How DVR Security Cameras Function.

How DVR Security Cameras Function.

  • Security cameras are either stationary or moving. Stationary cameras are set in place and monitor only what comes into their view.
  • Moving security cameras move from side to side, and sometimes up and down.
  • They monitor areas as they sweep. Moving security cameras can either be programmed to move in a certain way or can be controlled by an individual in a monitoring room.
  • The digital video recorder send a signal through closed-circuit TV system to a monitor inside the building being watched.
  • The digital video recorder and monitor are connected by wires and cables that send the signal from one to the other.
  • The digital video recorder will be set up with a wireless signal that allows cameras to be placed in locations they normally could not go due to the limitations of wiring.
  • Monitoring Most video surveillance cameras are set up with a recording system such as a VCR or DVR.

  • The security system camera will record whatever the aegis camera sees and will keep it for a set period of time such as 48 hours or 1 week.

  • Finally the specified time period, the recording system starts to record over the video or DVD.

  • Other digital video recorder not only has a recording feature, but also are set up in a room where individuals monitor the live action as it happens.

  • These individuals can usually control the cameras by zooming in to get a better look at a certain area, or moving the camera as needed.

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